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Sling Saftey

Do not ever sling at anything you do not want to hit. This means anything, period! This includes, but is not limited to: People, pets, people, buildings, people, windows, people, cars, people, machinery, people, electrical transformers, people, wild animals (unless hunting where permitted by law), people, etc.

Make sure you have enough room to sling. This should include enough room to account for the sling being fully open after a release. Add your reach from the middle of your chest to the end of your fingertips to the side, plus the total length of your sling when opened. Triple this length. An average height man with a 36” sling needs an open area of at least 27’ diameter and height for complete safety.

Make sure there is enough clear area in the direction you intend to sling. The sling is a powerful projectile weapon. It is easy for a novice slinger to sling a stone over 100 meters, and distances of 200 meters are attainable by slingers with even moderate experience.

Do not sling in populated areas like residential neighborhoods or parks.

Don not sling over or onto roadways.

Do not sling over obstacles you can not see through unless you there is enough room on the other side to not hit anyone or anything valuable.. This includes buildings, trees, hills, mounds of debris, etc.

Do not sling bottles or other glass or breakable objects. While your slinging area may be clear, no one wants broken glass about to step on or damage tire, etc.

Before you sling, be sure slinging is permissible in the area you have chosen.


Do not make your finger loop too tight. This can hurt your finger and cause you to sling poorly, endangering yourself and others.

© 2007