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Medical tape sling tutorial (Read 43025 times)

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Medical tape sling tutorial
Feb 21st, 2006 at 6:56am
Well as i promised here's the tutorial with lot of pics,most of them are self explanatory but anyway i'll give some comments that may help Wink
*5mm nylon cord (any other will do as well)
*Medical tape (this is 10 cm wide, but you can use any width, glue will keep strips in place and it will be a solid pouch even using only 1 cm wide, but the more wide you use the more quick construction.)
*Knife to cut the rope
*Scissors to cut the tape and thre thread
*Buthane lighter to melt the ends of the nylon cord.
*Thread the most strong you can get.
*Needle to sew the thread trough the nylon cord.

Sling is very simple, basicly we overlap two pieces of cord to make a pouch frame and we wrap it with several layers of tape.

1st sew and tie the tips of the overlapping cords. (i sew trough the cords to ensure they wo'nt slip over, but a tight tie will work fine as well, cause medical tape also will help to keep cords in place.


I use 2 ties just to ensure things won't slip

Do the same at the other side to make a cord pouch frame.

Now you can test wich shape  you'll give to the pouch, wich lenght and width... i.e. asymetric?


Use the same method to form the retention loop, this is two finger loop.

I haven't post any lenght of cords cause every person need different lenghts, so once you've decided the size of the pouch frame you can let long release and retention cords and trim them  later to suit your preferences.
This is the sling cord frame, (I don't use release knot so i've only sewn and tied some thread on the release end to make a fluffy tail with the cord fibres.) anyway you can make release knot or whatever you like.

Once you know what sape you'll give to the pouch, we only need to wrap several layers of medical tape.
Cut a strip sightly wider than the pouch frame, just the lenghth of the pouch.

Let the piece of medical tape on the table with the sticky face up, and place the pouch cord frame over it with the shape you've planned.

Make some cuts with the scissors on the tape piece, so you can wrap the tape around the cord frame and stick it to itself.

These cuts are just an example, the goal is just to wrap the tape over the cord frame and keep it's shape.

Wrap carefully every side of tape over the cord frame and stick carefully to itself tight.

Do the same with all sides....

....Wrapping it totally around.

Make some cuts with the scissors so you can wrap the tape very close to the cord frame.

...And keep wrapping around...

...and around...

Finish wrapping the last flaps....

Congrats! you've finished your 1st tape layer  Wink it still have some sticky surface exposed on this side.....

But the other side is complete....

Now the next layer... cut another piece of tape... lay it on the table sticky side up...

...And place the pouch with the sticky exposed part against it.

Again make some strategic cuts with the scissors....

And wrap the edges again over the frame.

keep wrapping...

.... and wrapping...

Give it at least 2 more tape layers in the same way, alternating sides,  and in the end you'll have  an "ugly" side with the last layer flaps sowing....

... and a nice continuous side, this one is one piece and stones will be on this side wich is a lot more resistant, without any gaps or flaps wich may unstick with wear and dirt.

Now it comes a bit of protection with some tape on the retention side of the pouch


... as well as on the release side of the pouch.

Give as well some tape protection at the retention loop


Just as decoration to keep an eye of the "ugly" side where we don't want to place any stone,  paint anything you like. this decoration will stand for long if u use permanent markers.

This is the side with no decoration where we'll place the stone (you can decorate if you like but decorations will get dirty and wear pretty soon.

Here are some slings i made in a short time, 3 finished and 2 frames ready to tape the pouches  Grin
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #1 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 9:25am
Thanks zorro  Grin

you euhm spent last night making those didn't you Tongue

thats one way to make people feel special you know  Grin

btw so that was the problem Shocked i was just trying to fold everything around without cuting  Embarrassed
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 10:40am
Way cool Zorrro  Cheesy I'm making mine tonite . I'll also fix the chewed upon sling I made (the one my dog ate the deer skin off of). I'm saving this post to my computer . Thanks  8)
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #3 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 12:12pm

I've never seen a sling pouch that shape before. It looks very efficient at holding. How well does it work in the field??
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #4 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 12:24pm
again question whats the length of that Vewwy nice pouch of yours Zorro? Grin i think mine is Way to long  Undecided
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #5 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 12:48pm
I've never seen a sling pouch that shape before. It looks very efficient at holding. How well does it work in the field??  

It works very good,  It gives me the confidence it won't misfire so i use it everywhere, no matter if there'is people or cars or buildings around i'm sure it won't loose any stone in an unwanted direction. mne is about 75 cms long from pouch to retention loop and is the one i get farthest even compaired with other longer slings.
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #6 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:06pm
again question whats the length of that Vewwy nice pouch of yours Zorro? Grin i think mine is Way to long  Undecided

mine is about 4,5cm x18 cm, it's just what i like, but you can make the way you like... symetric may be a lot easier to tape and a little symetric pouch also will take a lot less tape to make. here are other examples:
This one is symetric about 3x 7cm with double release and retention cord.

This is one of the tiniest pouch i've ever done, also symetric and may be 3 x 3,5 cms, just intended for those lead glands though it will hurl  bigger projectiles to the size of a hen's egg
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #7 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:21pm
what size projectile does it hold?

i forgot to ask Embarrassed
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #8 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:30pm
This is a tutorial of how i make this kind of sling, but you can be a lot more creative, use any kind of cord, any shape and dimensions of pouch... any other kind of tape.... just experiment.
I use 4 layes of tape, but i think 5 or 6 layers would be even nicer.
I sew thread trough the cords, but may be simply tying with any  string can do the work just as nice or even better.
I use 2 finger retention loop, but you can try wrist loop, or 1 finger loop, whatever suit your preferences.
I use double tyings, but may be 1 is just right.

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Never disturb your enemy when it's making a mistake (Napoleon Bonaparte)
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Yeah, i guess most of
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #9 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:36pm
what size projectile does it hold?

i forgot to ask Embarrassed

Taiki, i prefer to sling rather light projectiles (well, my right arm joints prefer them  Roll Eyes )but iv'e slung stones from the sie of a hazelnut to the size of a fist... though my fav size is about a golf ball size or so.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #10 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:38pm
thx  Grin just sortof getting my bearings right to see what a pouch like that can handle and such... why try and fail if someone has done it before and you canask right Wink
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #11 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 4:20pm
That looks cool! Shocked

And then to make a symetric pouch you just do as you do at the left in the first sling?

I'll try to make this sling, I really liked it!

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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #12 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 5:26pm
Thanks, Zorro. I'm making another braided sling right now, and when I'm done, I'll definitely use that method to make a solid pouch out of a slippery split-pouch!
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #13 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 7:39pm
Thanks zorro~!
That's my next pouch design.
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Re: Medical tape sling tutorial
Reply #14 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 7:44pm
That looks SOOO much easier than the netted sling I made (more or less Undecided) yesterday! Shocked Awesome tutorial Zorro. Is there a way you can put it in the "Guides and Articles" page?
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